A million dollars

what is truth?
does anyone there know what truth really means ?
not just in their perspective?
when you look closely at the scene of order and chaos, do you see what i see?
may be the truth doesn't even exist, may be what we think is all we got, whoa, that would be a terrible loss for negative thinkers, what if there's a universal acknowledged truth about certain things, religion, business, success, life, love, hate, luck...??????/
am growing accustomed to the notion that your environment greatly shapes your personality, "you are the average of the five people you spend most of your time with." some inspirational speaker said that.
now i pause to you this riddle again. from a movie definitely, it used be thought of as truth that all movies make us lazy, retarded and idle, i have got the utmost of my encouragement from movies, especially the tech movies because am a tech guy,  and possibly you can find solace, inspiration and drift your mindset by watching and carefully selecting movies that rhyme with your utmost purpose,
here goes the riddle, from Mr. Robot of-course, my current obsession.

"A guy walks up to a lady at the bar,
he flirts with her,
he makes small talk,
but the lady insists she's not going home with him,
guy says, "what if i offered you a million dollars to just sleep with me?"
woman's never had a million dollars in her life, she stops and thinks about the offer seriously,
Guy changes his mind, he says,
"what if i change my offer to a dollar instead?"
woman asks, "what kind of a woman do u think I am ?"
man: "well, we already figured that out!, now we are just burgaining!!!!!"
what kind of a woman do you think she was ?" well and my last question, how sure are you its the truth?


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