The cars that sip more liquor than you do
Biofuels have been around as long as cars have. At the start of the
20th century, Henry Ford planned to fuel his Model Ts with ethanol, and
early diesel engines were shown to run on peanut oil.
But discoveries of huge petroleum deposits kept gasoline and diesel cheap for decades, and biofuels were largely forgotten. However, with the recent rise in oil prices, along with growing concern about global warming caused by carbon dioxide emissions, biofuels have been regaining popularity but not so much in Uganda.
A case study in Brazil which has the world's largest fleet of flex fuel cars where close to 80% of the vehicles there run mostly on flex fuels.
Kakira Sugar is preparing to commission its $37 million ethanol facility in July that will produce 20 million liters annually from molasses. With the country’s E20 policy pending implementation, the company expects to see a rise in the local fuel market or potential into the chemical market for products such as hand sanitizers. though Low oil prices can be a concern for the company but with still seven months to go until commissioning, the energy situation could
change a lot by then. A litre of ethanol goes for sh. 2500 compared to sh. 3500 for petrol.
Uganda has always got a good ranking for alcohol consumption across the globe, I wonder if people can spare some liquor for their vehicles? yes many things can change course, you can save yourself the addiction expenses for fuel instead, sugar cane can become more profitable as fuel than food after all you have already had enough warnings from your family or personal doctor about the health risks of consuming much sugar and those countless shots of strong double scotch brands you take daily at the local spot with your boys
Ethanol is a renewable, domestically produced transportation fuel. Whether used in low-level blends such as E10 (10% ethanol, 90% gasoline), or in E85 (a gasoline-ethanol blend containing 51% to 83% ethanol, depending on geography and season), ethanol helps reduce petroleum use in transportation and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
flex fuels have some positive considerations to take into account when contemplating the use of ethanol.
Depending heavily on foreign petroleum supplies puts the Uganda at risk for trade deficits and supply disruption.
Uganda imports about 90% petroleum & its products through Kenya with only 10% coming through Tanzania. The costs of transportation of the products from the seaports (Mombasa and Dar es Salaam) are high. Ethanol production creates jobs in rural areas where employment opportunities are needed as its manufactured from locally available products.
The carbon dioxide released when ethanol is burned is balanced by the carbon dioxide captured when the crops are grown to make ethanol. This differs from petroleum, which is made from plants that grew millions of years ago. On a life cycle analysis basis, GHG emissions are reduced on average by 40% with corn-based ethanol produced from dry mills, and up to 108% if cellulosic feedstocks are used, compared with gasoline production and use.
i therefore think its a good idea for government to adopt mass production of ethanol and cut petroleaum import expenses
But discoveries of huge petroleum deposits kept gasoline and diesel cheap for decades, and biofuels were largely forgotten. However, with the recent rise in oil prices, along with growing concern about global warming caused by carbon dioxide emissions, biofuels have been regaining popularity but not so much in Uganda.
A case study in Brazil which has the world's largest fleet of flex fuel cars where close to 80% of the vehicles there run mostly on flex fuels.
Kakira Sugar is preparing to commission its $37 million ethanol facility in July that will produce 20 million liters annually from molasses. With the country’s E20 policy pending implementation, the company expects to see a rise in the local fuel market or potential into the chemical market for products such as hand sanitizers. though Low oil prices can be a concern for the company but with still seven months to go until commissioning, the energy situation could
change a lot by then. A litre of ethanol goes for sh. 2500 compared to sh. 3500 for petrol.
Uganda has always got a good ranking for alcohol consumption across the globe, I wonder if people can spare some liquor for their vehicles? yes many things can change course, you can save yourself the addiction expenses for fuel instead, sugar cane can become more profitable as fuel than food after all you have already had enough warnings from your family or personal doctor about the health risks of consuming much sugar and those countless shots of strong double scotch brands you take daily at the local spot with your boys
Ethanol is a renewable, domestically produced transportation fuel. Whether used in low-level blends such as E10 (10% ethanol, 90% gasoline), or in E85 (a gasoline-ethanol blend containing 51% to 83% ethanol, depending on geography and season), ethanol helps reduce petroleum use in transportation and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
flex fuels have some positive considerations to take into account when contemplating the use of ethanol.
Depending heavily on foreign petroleum supplies puts the Uganda at risk for trade deficits and supply disruption.

Uganda imports about 90% petroleum & its products through Kenya with only 10% coming through Tanzania. The costs of transportation of the products from the seaports (Mombasa and Dar es Salaam) are high. Ethanol production creates jobs in rural areas where employment opportunities are needed as its manufactured from locally available products.
The carbon dioxide released when ethanol is burned is balanced by the carbon dioxide captured when the crops are grown to make ethanol. This differs from petroleum, which is made from plants that grew millions of years ago. On a life cycle analysis basis, GHG emissions are reduced on average by 40% with corn-based ethanol produced from dry mills, and up to 108% if cellulosic feedstocks are used, compared with gasoline production and use.
i therefore think its a good idea for government to adopt mass production of ethanol and cut petroleaum import expenses
soon buying one and starting up an ethanol brewing company