when I couldn't be the man he wanted me to be.

Staying home was always a bitter experience. In my dad's presence, it was a time to look both sides, stay focused and alert because any loosening and relaxation would always win me a slap and bitter scorching. And in my mum's presence it was a time to relax and feel free from anything and everything in life..mum never held me accountable for anything. I feel faulted every single minute of my life and I always want to be free but it never seems to happen. Dad always wanted me to be a better man...to simply or rather furiously imitate the dress code of those other guys he saw across the streets, guys who wore blazers and neatly ironed shirts and on the contrary, I was ever clad in T-shirts and wash and wear garments. The boys across the streets seemed well groomed and ready for life in his perception and I seemed un bothered and not caring about tomorrow. I think his positive values about me were hanging on lightly, he seemed to have some un withering belief...