what's your definition of a good job?

What’s your view of a good job? Over centuries many a people have believed a good job is the kind with less work load, high pay check, encompassed with juicy allowances that cover health bills, education, phone and housing bills. But hell no! That’s not what a good job should be. Mike Rowe in his article http://www.detroitnews.com/story/opinion/columnists/ingrid-jacques/2015/05/29/jacques-discount-dirty-jobs/28083811/quotes that 93000 jobs fall vacant in Michigan and almost every country because simply no one has the required skills and technical expertise. this happens in Uganda where a highly qualified surgeon will earn 1.7 per month while a downtown businessman involved a business where his team that unblocks drainage systems, fixes nasty Kampala manholes and shovels shit for a living around several cooperate workplaces and public toilets will pocket over 16m a month worth of net pay. This income inequality drives these public servants into corruption and othe...